Bravery…a new view.

Bravery…a new view.

“I am shy”

“I have no real talent”

“I have nothing to give”

“I lost my dreams many years ago”

“I am too old to dream now”

“I don’t have a good enough talent to share”

“I am to broken to help heal another”

Lies. These are just a few of the lies that many ladies choose to believe. I have believed the lies. I have been convinced that the lies defined me. I wasn’t anyone? I had one “talent” and that was all I was. There was nothing deeper. I believed the lies that I was shallow and my depth was nothing deeper than fun fashions, singing and bling. No one would take me serious. But God knew better. He had planted seeds years and years ago about the ministry that he had for me. They were seemingly impossible dreams. But God thought differently. He knew. He spoke to me, women are gems. They are treasures that so often times go “unfound”. Business, worry, resource restraint, self-doubt, self-consciousness, lack of practice, these are things that can hold us back. We stand still watching the world go by while we go through the motions of life and still feel as though we didn’t do enough. We watch our children sleep and wonder, “did we do ok today, did we lead them right”? We doubt. I am not a super mom, I am not a super hero, I am not even a super person…I just know one thing…we can do nothing fully in this life without the guidance of the Holy Spirit. He takes our mere efforts and makes them sparkle. He takes what we fully give to God and makes it into something. He doesn’t do it to make us shine, no, He does it so that we know who is God. We can’t do it alone. Our efforts are mere rain drops in the ocean of God’s strength and possibility. We are the feet on the ground but He is our strength. He has the incredible ability to take our tiny talents and glorify who He is. He is worthy to be praised. He is worthy of following. Be Brave, step out. Blog Pic brave

About amandacorey

Hello~ My name is Amanda and I am in love with living life to the full but also realistic in ways that that can take work. I want to use my life to encourage those around me. I have many loves, my hubby, my daughters, fashion, life groups, singing, crafts and creating!! I really just want my life to be about loving people and that has many different venues. I pray that my short blog thoughts help you understand little by little, more and more about who Jesus is. Bless you!

2 responses »

  1. I love this. You are so Inspiring Amanda. And have the best Confidence and Advice a girl could wear. You’re Amazing. 💙

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